11. Fiscal Burden Sharing


  • Amitav Acharya
  • David B. Dewitt



Mots-clés :

fiscal burden sharing, migration, resource extraction


The authors argue that a reformulated system of refugee protection must proceed using a distributive-developmental framework for fiscal burden sharing. Such a framework would have to appeal to the national security interests of donors, rather than to humanitarian or altruistic motives. The funds provided should be tied to concrete, time-specified goals which will contribute to the well being of refugees. They argue that this approach should be pursued parallel to the existing system of multilateral institutions. The framework envisions resources being channelled to regional institutions rather than national governments. This is a substantially abbreviated version of the authors' original work. Please refer to the notice at the end of this section if you are interested in obtaining a full copy of the paper, which is expected to be published in mid-1996.


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Comment citer

Acharya, A., & Dewitt, D. B. (1996). 11. Fiscal Burden Sharing. Refuge : Revue Canadienne Sur Les réfugiés , 15(1), 8–9. https://doi.org/10.25071/1920-7336.21863

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